Mansur al hallaj pdf editor

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    Mansur al hallaj pdf editor

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  • Sejarah mansur al hallaj
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  • AL-HALLAJ – Book Sample

    Introduction &#; AL-HALLAJ

    &#;You know and are not known, You see and are not seen.&#; -Akhbiir al-Halliij, no. 44, This is that mysticism in which one is decentered before the unknowable whom one cannot know or imagine or liken anything to : an absolute imageless other who is best likened to nothing in order to preserve one&#;s purity of faith in what one insists is an actual, conscious, deliberate and involving yet transcendent presence.

    This presence exceeds the collectivity of human presences and faculties for knowing and doing and yet is intimate with it and indeed distinguishes each member from each even as he, traditionally He, perceives and actively involves the whole in His own unknowable reality which is meant to be each one&#;s only center.

     Is this Iiterally blind faith or delusion of the most extreme sort imaginable?

    Is this scientia intuitiva of the highest order imaginable?

    This third/tenth century mystic in the Islamic monotheist