Yul servo autobiography samples

  • Yul servo autobiography samples
  • College autobiography samples.


    Yul servo autobiography samples

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  • Autobiography essay samples
  • College autobiography samples
  • Simple autobiography samples
  • Writing autobiography samples

    Congressman John Marvin Nieto, more popularly known for his screen name Yul Servo, was one of the “stars” (actors-turned-politicians) in Manila’s City Council for nine long years. After completing three terms in 2016, he hesitantly threw his hat in the congressional race in the city’s third district and surprised the pundits when he convincingly won the nod of the voters, many of them Filipino-Chinese.

    Since then, he has emerged as one of the leading men at the House of Representatives, hobnobbing with celebrities in that chamber like Reps. Vilma Santos-Recto, Lucy Torres Gomez, Sol Aragones, Monsour del Rosario, and Alfred Vargas.

    With the many bills and resolutions he had authored, coauthored, sponsored, or co-sponsored as gleaned from the records of the lower chamber of the Philippine Congress, it can be said that Congressman Nieto has found his new calling.

    Two bills that he takes pride in having co-authored are centered