Judge joseph boeckmann biography of barack

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  • Ex-judge Boeckmann gets five years in prison - Arkansas Times
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  • Ex-judge Boeckmann gets five years in prison - Arkansas Times.

    Former Arkansas Judge Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

    Former Arkansas Judge Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

    A former Wynne, Arkansas judge, O.

    Joseph Boeckmann, was sentenced to five years in prison for routinely dismissing pending cases in exchange for questionable “community service” including submission of photos by defendants in compromising positions and other sexual conduct.

    In October 2017, the judge pleaded guilty to wire fraud and witness tampering. He admitted to the “community service” scheme, which prosecutors said defrauded the state, counties, cities, and courts of funds they should have received as fees from the individuals whose cases were dismissed.

    In a plea agreement, Boeckmann said he used his privileged access to defendants in misdemeanor and traffic cases to take the photographs, and then told the young men not to tell anyone.

    The federal indictment indicated Boeckmann took the photos of defendants “in embarrassing positions; positions that he foun