Prices creek lighthouse southport
Nc lighthouses!
This rather decrepit and inaccessible structure is the largest remaining piece of the system of lights that served the once-bustling trade route from the mouth of Cape Fear River to Wilmington. For years, merchants and mariners had lobbied for lights to mark this twenty-five-mile-long passage, and on August 14, 1848, $35,500 was finally appropriated for seven beacons and a lightship.june chandler and pat boone Prices creek lighthouse southport nc Nc lighthouses Price's creek lighthouse interesting facts When was price's creek lighthouse built
Prices creek lighthouse southport
These navigational aids were, from south to north, range lights at Oak Island, range lights at Prices Creek, a lightship at Horseshoe Shoal, a beacon on Ortons Point, a beacon on Campbells Island, and a beacon on Upper Jettee.
Click herefor a map showing the location of these aids using GPS coordinates from an 1858 light list.
The range lights were built in pairs, with a shorter light in front of a taller light. By positioning their vessels so that the taller light appeared directly above the shorter light, mariners knew they were safely in the center of the channel.
All the lights were built in 1849