Biography of five famous poets

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    Biography of five famous poets of all time

    10 Famous Poets Who Left an Indelible Mark on Literature


    Birth and death date unknown

    Little is definitively known about this famous Greek poet who lived before the common era.

    Some even question whether the same person wrote both epics credited to Homer, The Iliad and The Odyssey. Some scholars believe he might have left hints about his own life through his descriptions of the blind minstrel character Demodokos in The Odyssey.

    Despite these uncertainties, the two epics about the fall of Troy and subsequent events have influenced writers throughout history like J.R.R.

    Tolkien and James Joyce.

    Biography of five famous poets

  • Biography of five famous poets of all time
  • Biography of five famous poets of the year
  • Famous modern poets
  • Famous poets from the 2000s
  • The use of vivid similes and metaphors as well as the in media res narrative structure—beginning in the middle of the plot and flashing back to past events—are characteristics of Homer’s writings.

    Learn More About Homer

    Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Originally ordained in the Unitarian Church, Emerson resigned from the clergy after three years.

    He took up w