Current world dictatorships
Current world dictatorships news.
A dictatorship is a form of government where one person or a small group holds all power.
Current world dictatorships list
As an autocratic government, a dictatorship severely restricts freedom, free speech, dissent and other elements essential to democracy. Human rights tend to suffer under dictatorships. What countries are controlled by dictatorships?
In this article, we’ll examine what countries are still under dictatorship, what types of dictatorships exist and whether there are more dictatorships now than in the past.
Dictatorships exist when an individual, a political party, or the military holds all the power within a nation.
Current world dictatorships
North Korea, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Niger, Guinea, Myanmar, and China are seven examples.
Which countries are still under dictatorship?
Because of events like military coups, countries can shift to dictatorships very quickly.
In its reporting on the Varieties of Democracy project at the University of Gothenburg, Sciencenorway states more people are living under dictatorsh